We worship together each Sunday at 10:30am. We begin our service with music and prayer, and then hear a message from our Pastor that is relevant and Biblical. Our service generally ends around 11:45am.
In addition to our worship service, we invite you to join us at 9:30am for Bible Studies.
Our current classes are
FOUNDATIONS (A beginner-level introduction to the Christian life)
REVELATION (An in-depth study through the last book of the Bible)
UPPER ROOM YOUTH (Currentlystudying the foundations of the Gospel)
TRC KIDS (Here our kiddos learn the Bible through stories, crafts, and games)
Nursery and Kids Worship is provided during our 10:30am service.
When you arrive, our greeters will be at the door to direct you inside and answer any questions you may have! If it's raining, our greeters will meet you at the car with an umbrella.
We gather on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm for prayer, music, and Bible study. We are currently studying the foundational truths of what we believe as a church and as Christians. Childcare is provided.