Sunday Mornings We have a full-service nursery available for infants through 3 years old, where kiddos will receive love and care from fully trained volunteers. If you have a toddler, we also have a small craft and story time in the nursery during the morning worship service! You can pre-register your child at the link below.
Sundays at 9:30am We offer Sunday School for kids 3-10 where they will learn Bible stories, play games, and make crafts to take home!
Our kids are dismissed from the main worship service following the music. Their worship time includes a Bible story, music, crafts, and lots of fun on our "Bible Adventure!"
The safety of the children in our care is our highest priority! Only people that you authorize are allowed to drop off or pick up your children from TRC Kids. We also will confirm allergies and special needs each week at check-in. Additionally, all of our volunteers have received specific training for the areas in which they are serving. Backround checks are also required for each team member.If you have any questions or concerns about specific safety issues or procedures, please contact our TRC Kids Coordinator, Bethany Harris, by filling out the form below.
Download a copy of our TRC Kids Handbook to learn about our policies, safety proceedures, and more.