We want to, first, say thank you for allowing us to partner with you in the development of your child’s spiritual formation. We consider it a great privilege that you entrust your kids into our care, whether that be for an hour on Sundays or for a week at summer camp.
The church is a bit counter-cultural when it comes to its goals in raising kids. Where our culture might prioritize getting kids on track for success by making a certain sports team, staying out of trouble, or being accepted into a good college, our priority for kids is that they meet and love Jesus. While we hope they become healthy, well-adjusted adults we also hope that beyond that they live a life devoted to God. But this is also a harder goal to accomplish. We need help from God, certainly, but we also need one another. That’s where all of us come in, teachers and parents! Here you’ll find an overview of what it will look like to be involved in our youth ministry at The Rescue Church for not just your child but also their loving parents or guardians.
WIth great gratitude, Cameron Harris
Our mission is to empower our youth to love living as imitators of Christ through meaningful fellowship, relatable discipleship, and practicing compassion toward others.
We will pursue this mission through...
Consistent & relatable Bible studies with the youth.
Follow ups for parents with information about what is being taught so that parents can finalize thework of the Rescue Church through family studyand worship of God.
Mirroring the compassion of Christ so that our youth can learn to live within the same godliness as we do.
We meet on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15am for Bible study. We are currently doing a walk-through of the Gospel of John.
We gather on Fridays at 6:15pm for games, snacks, and practical Bible study. This is our more in-depth time of building relationships and learning how to apply God's truth to our lives. We generally end around 7:30pm.
Stay tuned!
CAMERON & BETHANY HARRIS Cameron & Bethany have a combined experience of more than 20 years in leading youth ministries of at-risk teens. They have a passion for Gospel ministry in many forms, and especially enjoy serving in worship ministry, food ministry, and youth and children's ministries. Cameron is currently purusing a BA in Pastoral Ministry at Judson College (Southeastern). When Cameron and Bethany are not serving at church they are going to arcades, grabbing coffee together from Starbucks or playing with their 2 young children, Nathan and Evelyn.